Customer Password and Activation Password

There are two types of passwords in SOLO Server. In most cases, your customers will use the customer password to log in to the Shopping Cart or Customer License Portal , and they will use the activation password to activate a product.

Customer Password

Each Customer will have one customer password. A customer would use their Login ID (email address, Customer ID or License ID for example) and the customer password to log in to the Shopping Cart or the Customer License Portal. The customer password can also be used to activate a software product, but in most cases, we recommend having your customer use the activation password to activate (see below).

Creation and Visibility

The customer password can be set by the customer, the SOLO Server author, or randomly generated.

The customer password will not be visible or accessible in the SOLO Server author interface if it was set by the customer and the viewing user does not have View Password permission.

If using SOLO Server's integrated Shopping Cart, new customers will be able to register an account and choose their own customer password or set a random one (recommended). Customers can also potentially change their customer password after logging into the Customer License Portal.


If the customer has set their own customer password, either through the initial registration or by updating it through the Customer License Portal, the password will not be visible or accessible in the SOLO Server author interface for users without View Password permission. View the topic on Password Accessibility for more information.

If a SOLO Server author chooses the customer password or if it is randomly generated, then it will still be visible in SOLO Server.

Changing a Customer Password

Users with Edit Customers permission can change a customer's account password. To do this follow these steps:

Resetting a forgotten Customer Password

If the customer forgot their password, they will need to reset it. You can easily send the customer an email with instructions to do this by simply searching for the customer and then clicking the Email Forgotten Password button.

Activation Password

The Activation Password is different for each License ID and must be randomly generated. The activation password can only be used to activate a software product.

Since the activation password is always randomly generated, it is always visible in SOLO Server and it is safe to send as plain-text through email.

Use the Reset Password link on the License Details page to reset the Activation Password.