Shipping Options

Shipping options are defined on the product option level. Multiple options can be defined per product option, and several properties of each option can be configured to restrict how the shipping option can be used. The shipping options properties are as follows:

The shipping option name. This is what is displayed on the shipping options page on checkout.
Short Name
The short name for the option. This will be displayed on invoices and internally.
The base shipping price for a quantity of 1.
Combo Price
The base shipping price for a quantity of 1 when using the Combo Price cart shipping calculation and multiple shippable items are present on the cart.
The additional price added per unit for every extra unit above a quantity
Display Order
The display order of the option when displayed to the user during checkout.
Physical Delivery
Check this if the option is actually a physical delivery. Note that this field is a legacy field and is not used to determine physical delivery for tax calculation purposes. For tax calculation purposes, physical delivery is determined by the Requires Shipping field on the Product Option.
Check this box to allow the option to be displayed and used for domestic (US) customers.
Check this box to allow the option to displayed and used for international (non US) customers.
Allow Military
Check this box to allow the option to be used for military addresses.
Allow PO Box
Check this box to allow the option to be used for post office box addresses.
Image URL
A url to an image to display with the option in the checkout process. This must come from a secure (https) link.
If an image URL is specified, the image will be displayed here.

For information on the shipping calculations used on the cart, see Configuring Cart Options and Configuring Shipping for the Cart.