Generate Ordering Links
To retrieve system-generated URLs that will allow you to link into SOLO Server from your external website, click the menu Store / Generate Ordering Links. This will display a page containing SOLO Server-generated URLs which you can easily copy-and-paste directly into your web pages or emails.
SOLO Server provides two (2) order processing modes: (1) Single Order; and (2) Shopping Cart. The Single Order Mode provides a simplified ordering experience for customers purchasing a single product license. The cart mode is the main order processing style, and provides upsell functionality as well as multi-product purchasing support. By default, only the links for cart mode are displayed. To view the Single Order mode links, check the "Show Advanced Links" check-box and click the Generate Links button. To view links for other products in your mix, select a new product from the drop down menu located directly above the links and click the Generate Links button.
Each link contains two icons to the right. Clicking the first icon will open the link in a new tab/window, while clicking the second icon will copy the link to the clipboard.
There are many additional parameters which may be passed to the cart to control its operation. Refer to Cart QueryString Parameters for a comprehensive list of these parameters.
The displayed links are as follows:
Main Store Links
The links displayed under the Main Store section heading are non-ordering links, and will not cause an item to be added to the cart. These are as follows:
- List All Products
- This link will display the Product Catalog page for your store.
- List All Products (Single Mode)
- The link will display the Product Catalog page for your store, but use the Single Order mode of the cart. This is only displayed when the "Show Advanced Links" check-box contains a check-mark character.
- View Shopping Cart
- This link will display the cart page, but will not add an item to the cart. Use this link for a View Cart button on your Web site.
- Shopping Cart Checkout
- This link will initiate the checkout process on the cart.
- Customer License Portal
- This link will display the Customer License Portal log in page.
Product Links
The links displayed under the section heading(s) containing the name(s) of your product(s) are also non-ordering links, and will not cause an item to be added to the cart.
- Display Product
- This link will display the product detail page for the product. The page will display all available options for the product and permit the customer to select which option(s) they wish to order.
- Display Product (Single Mode)
- This link will display the product detail page for the product, but use the Single Order mode of the cart. The page will display all available options for the product and permit the customer to select which option(s) they wish to order. This is only displayed when the "Show Advanced Links" check-box contains a check-mark character.
Product Option Links
The remaining sets of links apply to each of the product options associated with the product.
- Display Product Option
- This will display the product option detail page for the given product option.
- Display Product Option (Single Mode)
- The will display the product option detail page for the given product option, but use the Single Order mode of the cart. This is only displayed when the "Show Advanced Links" check-box contains a check-mark character.
- Display Product EULA
- This will appear if a EULA (End-User Licensing Agreement) is defined for the product. The link will display the EULA page for the product with a purchase link for the product option.
- Display Product EULA (Single Mode)
- This will appear if a EULA is defined for the product, and the link will display the EULA page for the product with a purchase link for the product option, using the Single Order mode of the cart. This is only displayed when the "Show Advanced Links" check-box contains a check-mark character.
- Add Item to Shopping Cart
- This link will directly add the product option to the cart and display the cart page.
- Add Item to Shopping Cart (Single Mode)
- This link will directly add the option to the cart and display the cart page, using the Single Order mode of the cart.