Fresh Installation - Windows Server 2012 / 2016 / 2019 / 2022


Before getting started, please review the SOLO Server System Requirements.


SOLO Server requires a U.S. English version of Windows. Both the Web server and the database server MUST use the generally accepted U.S. date format, MM/DD/YYYY. Using other date formats (for example, the European date format DD/MM/YYYY, where specification of the day precedes the month) will result in date interpretation problems! This means that U.S. English regional settings are required for Windows and the SQL Server instance. Furthermore, the SOLO Server database MUST use SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation.

Install Dependencies

If installing on Windows Server 2012, prior to installation, SOLO Server requires the following software to be installed on both the web server and the database server.

.NET Framework 4.6.2
This is available from Microsoft, and can be found here. Once installed, be sure to run Windows Updates and install any updates related to the .NET framework.
SQL Server Native Client 11 (Recommended)
This is available from Microsoft, and can be found here. Note that if you are installing the web server and the SQL server on the same machine, this can also be installed during SQL Server installation by checking the Client Tools Connectivity option on the Feature Selection page of the SQL Server installer. If not installed SOLO Server will revert to using the older OLE DB driver for data access.

There are no dependencies to install on Windows Server 2016 and later as they ship with all required dependencies.

General Web Server Set-up

Before you can begin installing SOLO Server on your web server, you must first make sure the server is properly configured with the Web Server (IIS) role along with several related Role Services. To configure or verify your server configuration, follow these steps:

Please note that the IIS 6 Management Compatibility options are required for the SOLO Server installer to work properly for installation and upgrades.

Next, some additional pre-installation configuration steps are also required for IIS.

General Database Server Set-up

The installer does not create the database. To create the database:


You are now ready to install SOLO server.


Verify File System Permissions


Starting with SOLO Server Version, all file system permissions are set automatically by the installer on new installations. However, if you have trouble logging on for some reason, please double check the file system permissions as noted below.

Set file system directory permissions for the windows user created for use by SOLO (IIS user). The directories and required permissions are as follows:

Set-up Configuration Files

SOLO Server uses a combination of 2 configuration files, both of which are shared between the classic ASP and ASP.NET code. If you installed into an empty destination folder, the SOLO Server installation should have set up the necessary configuration to log in, and you can jump down to the Launch your browser to login section. Later you can come back to tweak the configuration parameters to your liking.

If you install into an existing WebSite that has these files (not recommended), they will NOT be overwritten by the installer. Instead, you need to merge the SOLO Server configuration parameters in with your existing files. The base versions are located in the HTML subdirectory of the install folder (C:\SWKey\SOLO\HTML by default). The files are as follows:


Once you have completed all of the above steps, launch your browser to (or whatever folder you installed into). You may log in with username of Master and password of password. Upon logging in:

At this point, you should create a new user account so that you can remove the default account. To do this, follow these steps:

Note that if you use Instant Protection PLUS 3 or Instant Metering to log into SOLO Server, you will also need to know your Author ID. The default Author ID for a fresh installation of SOLO Server is always 2451871.

If you see the message "An error has occurred in this application. An administrator has been notified." then check the mailbox that you configured to receive email error notices and see why the server is unhappy.

Pointing your browser to the top folder of will display nothing because we don't know if the customer is an administrator or a customer. You may create a default.asp or default.htm file that redirects the user where you want to go or display a friendly message.

Secure Internal Web Services and Encrypted Cookies

SOLO Server includes several web services intended only for internal use when communicating between portions of SOLO Server developed using ASP/COM and portions developed using ASP.NET. In order to prevent outside access to these web services, you need to set an internal username and password which SOLO Server will use for authentication during these internal web service calls. In addition, SOLO Server uses encryption to secure several cookies, and requires specifying an encryption key. To configure these, simply edit the web.config file and enter values for the InternalWebSerivceUsername, InternalWebServicePassword, and CookieEncryptionKey entries. Note that if during installation, if no web.config file was present in the web site root, the installer will have automatically populated these web.config entries with random 20 character strings and you can skip this step.

Generate Encryption Keys

The XmlActivationService web methods use public/private key cryptography to encrypt/decrypt and sign/verify both the request and response data to ensure the data is not tampered with. Since these keys need to be uniquely generated by the server, they are not populated by the installer, and must be manually generated. To generate the keys, simply navigate to the Author Encryption Keys page and the server will generate the keys and store them in the database.

Customize HTML Files

Several static HTML files used by SOLO Server can optionally be customized as follows:

Finalize the Database Configuration

Optional Steps

Configure Request Filtering

We recommend installing and enabling Request Filtering in IIS on your web server to help protect against attacks.

Harden non SOLO Server Databases

By default, all SQL Server databases contain a default Public role which is inherited by all database users. This role is granted numerous permissions by default, including the ability to access the system tables and views. To close this hole, the database installation automatically revokes all permissions from the Public role in the SOLO database and moves them to a new FormerPublic role.

It may also be desirable to lock down any other databases on the server in the same manner, including the system databases. Several helper scripts are installed to accomplish this - they are located in the Database/SecurityScripts folder of the install folder. To lock down the Public role on a database, run the LockDownDatabase.sql script against the database (the change can be undone by running RestorePublicFromFormerPublic.sql). If SOLO Server's database is the only database running on the server, it is safe to run this on all of the system database. If other databases are running, however, you should investigate whether making this change will break any other applications before applying to the system databases.

In addition to those two scripts, two other security related scripts are also included:

Uninstalling SOLO Server

First, restart IIS so all DLLs will be unloaded. Click Start / Programs / SoftwareKey Licensing System / SOLO Server / Uninstall SOLO Server. Follow the prompts.