Stored Payments

SOLO Server uses stored payments to hold information for processing recurring payments and installments, which pertains to payment plans, and payment plan instances which are associated with stored payments.

Payment Information

The information saved in stored payments varies depending on the type of merchant account being used. Some types of merchant accounts require saving credit card data, while others reference information of a prior payment to process another payment (the latter of which is ideal). This is described in detail below.


When adding or editing a stored payment, the fields listed below will be displayed regardless of whether the using reference or credit card payments.

Card Number
The card number.
CVV2 Number
The card CCV2 number (a 3 digit number on the back of Visa/Mastercard or a 4 digit number on the front of Amex cards).
Expire Month
The card expiration month.
Expire Year
The card expiration year.
First Name
First name on the credit card account.
Last name
Last name on the credit card account.
Address Line 1
The account billing address.
Address Line 2
Line 2 of the account billing address (if applicable)
The account city.
The account state/province.
Postal Code
The account postal code.
The account country.
The account phone number.

After submitting changes when adding/editing a stored payment, a test authorization for $1 will be performed to verify the card data. Depending on the card issuer, this may result in a temporary hold being placed on the card for these funds which may last for several days. This will NOT show up on the credit card statement as a charge. If this transaction fails, an error message with the reason for the failure will be displayed. If the test succeeds: