Author Advanced Account Options

View and edit the advanced account options.

Menu: [User Name] / Advanced Account Options

Field List

Max Store Credit Expiration Days
The maximum number of days from the current date allowed as the expiration date when entering a store credit for a customer. If left blank, no maximum is enforced.
Force DistributorID on Catalog
Checking this field will cause the view catalog page to require entering a Distributor ID when placing an order. If there is no Distributor ID, the user must enter 0000 to place an order on the view catalog page.
Custom Customer Options
Can be used to add custom HTML on the Customer Details page, which is useful for posting data to another system. Contact support for additional information. The following search and replace values can be used in the HTML code:
  • [varCustomerID]
  • [varPassword] Important Note: We strongly recommended not using this. In a future version of SOLO Server, the [varPassword] search/replace field will be updated to replace this with an empty value for customers who have chosen their own password.
  • [varCompanyName]
  • [varFirstName]
  • [varLastName]
  • [varContactName]
  • [varMailAddr1]
  • [varMailAddr2]
  • [varCity]
  • [varStateProvince]
  • [varPostalCode]
  • [varCountry]
  • [varVoice]
  • [varFax]
  • [varEMail]
  • [varEMailDomain]
  • [varLinkedAuthorID]

By default, the markup will be displayed on the customer details page with a light gray background. To suppress this behavior, you can include the html comment <!--NoRowClass--> within the markup.

Custom Data
Additional data to be included within the Author/CustomData element in the xml license file when using Protection PLUS 5 SDK. This can be a string or xml data.
Default License Tab
Default active tab on the license details page.