Auditing Exports

Raw auditing data can be exported in xml format through the corresponding audit export report.

To view these reports, click the Reports menu item, scroll down to the Audit Exports section, and click the applicable export option (Authors, Licenses, Products, Product Options, or Users).

Report Options

Report Type
The report type. Options are as follows:
  • XML by Elements: The report will be generated as xml with separate elements for each field.
  • XML by Parameters: The report will be generated as xml with a single element containing an attribute for each field.
Start/End Date
The date range to run the report for. Note that depending on the server configuration, there may be a restriction of the number of days the report can be run for.
Save to Disk
Check this box to save the report to disk. If unchecked, the report will be displayed in an inline frame within the web page, otherwise you will be prompted to save the file to disk.

Additional options for each report type are as follows:

Global/Author: Check the Global checkbox to run the report across all authors, or choose an author from the Author drop down to run the report against a specific author.
Product: Choose the product to run the report against.
Product Option
Product Option: Choose the product option to run the report against.
User ID: Choose the User ID to run the report against.